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24/7 Spill Response & Remediation

Expert Commercial and Industrial Waste Solutions

EnviroBEE offers expert commercial and industrial services in the Carolinas and Virginia. Our professionals provide emergency spill response and remediation, including vacuum truck services and waste management. Our waste removal and industrial cleaning services are compliant with federal, state, and local regulations. Our emergency cleanup services are available 24/7. When you need professional material disposal, our team will arrive as soon as possible to get the job done. We are fully equipped to handle small- and large-scale jobs. We also provide environmental consulting so your facility can comply with air quality, water quality, and waste regulations.

driver standing on truck

Safe & Environmentally-Friendly Practices

Our experienced professionals provide safe waste removal services for commercial and industrial clients. We remove waste material quickly and safely. Our company is conscious of the effect we have on the environment. We actively seek to minimize our environmental impact by practicing safe and effective recycling and removal. We have years of experience in the waste removal industry. Our team is certified to safely remove certain hazardous materials to help restore a contaminated location to proper safety standards. The following are examples of the services we provide:

  • Spill response for industrial and commercial waste
  • Remediation and restoration of spill sites
  • Industrial service/cleaning
  • Lab packs
  • Confined space entry and rescue
  • Hot water pressure washing
  • Vacuum truck services
  • Transportation and disposal of hazardous and non-hazardous materials
  • Combustible dust cleaning
  • Air knife excavation
Vacuum Truck Services in Raleigh, NC

Fast & Efficient Professional Services

Our industry professionals have the equipment, tools, and expertise to ensure safe removal and disposal of industrial and commercial waste. We arrive on time, remove waste safely, quickly, and efficiently. Our services help protect the environment by removing waste that can contaminate your property and the earth. We identify and remove dangerous materials to keep the public safe and protect the planet.

Client Reviews