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Regulatory Compliance Training

EnviroBEE provides employees, contractors, and clients with regulatory compliance training nationwide. Our EH&S team  can train and educate crews on waste management regulations, protocols, requirements, and best practices. In addition, our founder Bill Boyer has over two decades of experience in the waste and environmental regulation industry. We train waste and industrial workers in federal, state, and local compliance, ensuring they are equipped and prepared to conduct their work safely and responsibly.

person holding hard hat


Our personnel and facilities are fully compliant with all OSHA standards. The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) was introduced in the early 1970s by Congress to improve working conditions and create workplace guidelines and regulations. It provides safety and health standards that crews and management can follow to boost facility security. It also provides ongoing training and resources that provide workers with the following:

  • Critical knowledge and skills to conduct work safely and healthily
  • Know-how regarding hazardous workplace conditions and how to avoid cultivating them
  • Knowledge of how to identify potential hazards and report them
  • Specialized training regarding risks specific to individual work environments
vacuum truck


The Department of Transpiration (DOT) has specific rules and regulations regarding the storage and transportation of waste and hazardous materials by vehicle. Their rules lay out how to best contain waste and move it from one place to the next safely and legally. They are applied along with rules laid out by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). DOT waste training includes, but is not limited to:

  • How to ensure labels on waste containers are easily readable and spaced correctly
  • How to maintain essential markers and keep them from being obstructed from view
  • How to handle multiple containers and ensure their waste class is easily identifiable
worker standing in grass field


Waste is a significant risk to workers and the environment. In the mid-1970s, The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) was passed to provide a structure and guidelines for managing and handling waste in regard to the environment. The RCRA, along with compliance established by the EPA, is intended to train workers and management on how to perform their duties while protecting the environment. Our environmental training covers the following topics:

  • Spill Prevention & Response
  • Stormwater Pollution Prevention
  • Industrial/Hazardous Waste Management
  • Emergency Coordination

Comprehensive Training for a Safe Operation

With years of experience and dedication, you can rely on our team at EnviroBEE to prepare your crews quickly and thoroughly. Our EH&S director has over 18 years of experience advising industrial and commercial operations of all sizes, scopes, and complexities. We’ll educate your crew members on why standards are established and how to follow them throughout their workday. We’ll provide you with everything you need to enhance the safety and well-being of your crews and the environment.

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